Location: Toh Guan (West)
Business Nature: Furniture, Bedding
Type of Racking installed:
Rack Support Racking Floor System for an Area of 195 sqm(1 le vel) at H2350mm (2nd level) and H4900mm (3rd level) with forged welded steel gratings as platform and stairs tread with handrail.
There was an existing 2 level Rack Supported Racking installed in the warehouse. However, our customer wished to fully utilize and increase the storage space. Hence, our sales consultant and designer came up with a new Rack Supported Racking layout.
Total area of space created for Old Empire is 4 times of its original warehouse storage space. An area is being allocated for the forklift access. Goods can beĀ palletizedĀ and transfered to the upper decking using forklift.
Source: Shelf N Store Pte Ltd
Contact us for more information.